Web: www.menatworkcic.org
twitter: @menatwork_mc
– founder, MEN AT WORK C.I.C.
Michael has worked in Secondary Education in England for 16 years, delivering a wide range of citizenship and wellbeing programmes for students in Years 7-13. In recent years he has developed a dialogue-based workshop mentoring programme for boys and young men – ‘MEN AT WORK’ – which addresses the social values attached to manhood / masculinity and promotes reflection on what this means for boys and men and for girls and women. Over the years, Michael’s work has been recognised by national awards including a Sinnott Fellowship and a Suzy Lamplugh Young Person’s Safety Award, as well as being invited to record a TEDx Talk, to speak at conferences for the NEU and TUC (Youth) and as a guest on the Women & Equalities Select Committee session Sexual Harassment in Public Spaces.
Michael also organises regional and national events for men (also open to women) which take a holistic and linked approach to male socialization and accountability – relating to Violence-Reduction, Domestic Abuse, Coercive Control, Street Harassment and Sexual Harassment in the workplace as well as Male Mental Health, emotional expressiveness and risk-taking behaviour.
Michael is also a Youth Mental Health trainer with Suicide Prevention & Male Mental Health as particular interests